Monday, March 18, 2013

WORLD TB DAY...XDR - Are You At Risk?

24 March heralds "World Tuberculosis Day", one of the worst human diseases. As Nurses, we are on the front lines to screen for TB.

TB is an airborne, infectious lung disease that is (usually) preventable and curable.  The good news is the global war against TB is making progress.  The bad news is it's mutating into new strains categorized as multi-drug resistant (MDR-TB) or extensively-drug resistent (XDR_TB) strains. 

Most of us have never experienced the threat or impact of TB but in fact we are always at risk.  According the the World Health Organization (WHO), the global war against TB is working, but with mixed results.   Although the data from developing countries are unclear, WHO notes a 6-fold increase between 2006-2009 in these new strains.  Here in the U.S., WHO reported in 2011 over 100 cases of MDR-TB. The same report shows almost 700 HIV status patients with TB co-infection. 

In today's world of global migration and travel, you remain a vital part of the international effort to battle TB.  One of your particular challenges if treating a TB-positive patient will be patient education.  As TB becomes more drug resistant, so will the side effects, potential toxicities and treatment durations.  Read more about this global effort on the comprehensive WHO website

More news about MDR/XDR-TB:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Come to our OPEN HOUSE!

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, 26 March.  From 1500-1700 (that's 3 pm to 5 pm for you non-nursing folks) we are hosting an OPEN HOUSE to showcase our Nursing Program, Skills Lab and much more!

Meet students, staff and faculty.  Explore our 8 room / 14 bed "hospital".   Go "behind the scenes" of our advanced simulated patient lab and experience how simulation brings sophisticated reality to teaching and bridges theory with clinical training. 

If you're a past graduate and you haven't been up to the campus lately - you've got to see our new digs! 

Thinking about a career in nursing?  Check us out!

(Click on the pic for a larger view)

Other Nursing Blogs

Wonder what other nursing blogs have to say? 

Here's a small sample of the Nursing Blogosphere.  Some are no longer updated but are still interesting.

Do you have a nursing blog or have one you'd like to share?  Email your favs to csmstudentrn at gmail dot com.